Setting position correctly

Hey guys,

I am making a game where the player has to pick up objects and drop them into a cauldron. The part where the player picks and drops objects great, but then when I try to place the object into the cauldron the position is way offset and I do not understand why. Here is the code:

#pragma strict
// Major variables declaration
var validHit : boolean = false;			// boolean for turning on GUI
private var holdsItem : boolean = false;		// check number of items in hand
private var clonedObject:Transform;				// clone of the destroyed instance
private var changeState : boolean;				// holds the state of mousebutton

function Update()
	var pickPos: Vector3 = Vector3(0.4, -2, 0.2);	// offset of picked item
	var hit : RaycastHit; 	// The object that was hit
	var ray : Ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Vector3(Screen.width/2, Screen.height/2, Camera.main.nearClipPlane));	// The ray - Middle of the screen
	// if the middle of the screen is perpendicular to the object 
	if (Physics.Raycast (ray, hit, 10) && (hit.collider.tag == "basic" || hit.collider.tag == "mixed_lvl1" || hit.collider.tag == "mixed_lvl2") && holdsItem == false) {
		validHit = true;	// display GUI message											
		SendMessage("OnGUI");	// send GUI status to script_GUIController
		if(Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0) && !changeState) 	{					// and the left mouse button is pressed and changeState is false
				mousePressed();												// next click drops the item
				validHit = false;											// hide GUI message
				Destroy(hit.collider.gameObject, 0);						// destroy the hit object
				clonedObject = Instantiate(hit.collider.transform, transform.position, Quaternion(0,0,0,0)); 	// instantiate the object to player's position =, - 7);	// Remove (CLone) from object's name
				clonedObject.parent = Camera.main.transform;				// parent to camera
				clonedObject.transform.localPosition = pickPos;				// and place it in front of the camera
				holdsItem = true;											// changes state of item picked
	else {
		validHit = false; // hide GUI message;
		if(Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0) && changeState && Physics.Raycast ( ray, hit, 10 ) && == "cauldron") {
			clonedObject.parent = null;									// unparent object
//This is the part that doesn't work
			clonedObject.transform.position = GameObject.Find("cauldronRightSlot").transform.position;
			clonedObject.transform.rotation = GameObject.Find("cauldronRightSlot").transform.rotation;
			changeState = false;										// next click picks the item
			holdsItem = false;											// changes state of item picked

Thanks in advance!

If you parent the object to the cauldron, the objects Transform becomes relative to the Parent, meaning 0,0,0 is the centre of the parent.