I’m trying to figure out how to set the distance to the camera that a WorldSpace canvas will render. Ultimately what I’d like to do is have the health bars and names that are over the head of the entities in the game shrink the further the camera gets away from them, and then at a certain distance they don’t render at all. I thought about using the LOD system for this, but that system works using meshes…and I’m using a WorldSpace UI Canvas. Any suggestions/answers?
'nother bump…
Bumping again…hopefully to get some gears turning this time.
Seems like you would need a bunch of canvases, one for each player. But I would just fake it with a screen space canvas.
Well that’s fine @_Daniel but I’m still at a loss as far as figuring out how to make the individual health bars scale down (and eventually disappear), based on the player’s distance to the enemy the health bar belongs to.