Setting Stretch-UV of SpriteShapeController in Code

Hey there

using Unity 2019.4.1f1
using SpriteShape 3.0.12

When you add a SpriteShapeController component to a GameObject you can check the bool value “Stretch UV” in order to…well…stretch the UV.
I wanted to set this in code, but apparently it’s not possible.
There is no exposed property for it. I can set the actual stretchTiling value in code, but not if it should actually stretch or not, which does nothing if I change it in code until the bool is set in the inspector.

So please expose the “Stretch UV”-bool property asap :slight_smile:

It’s been months. Did something happen related to the issue. I looked at the Changelog of SpriteShape but there was no indication if the property was exposed.


Updated Engine and Package,
Using Unity 2020.2.4f1
Using SpriteShape 5.1.1

Nothing changed, the Stretch-UV property is still not exposed. Is there any reason for this? @rustum

Sorry for the delay in response. We will add this in the upcoming version and post an update when it gets published. Thanks.

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Coolio, thanks for that, highly appreciated! :slight_smile:

ran into the same issue today - still can’t be set in code. going over every asset and setting it in the inspector seems backwards - any convoluted workarounds for now?

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Update: found a wacky workaround by modifying the serialized value directly, using this called in OnValidate on the SpriteShapeController component:

var so = new SerializedObject(_spriteShapeController);
so.FindProperty("m_StretchUV").boolValue = true;