Well I imported the detonator package, really liked it, and wanted to use it for force power type things, for which it worked well. The problem was I also wanted it to do some cool effects for animations, like ex/ a pic of the earth having one nuke going off on it, then 4 more, then a whole bunch of them, but how do I set a time constraint, so that they will go on after x seconds?
At the top it mentions explode() can set it off after a time, but I have no idea how to format that. I think it may be simplier than actually rewritting an addtional code.
void Start()
IEnumerator BlowStuffUp()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(5);
// Spawn explosion here
yield return new WaitForSeconds(3);
// Spawn more of them here
Since you edited your post and asked yet another question, you use Detonator simply by instantiating one of the prefabs it gives you. When a detonator object is spawned, it explodes, and then it automatically cleans itself up when it's done, so all you need to do is `Instantiate()` one of the prefabs.