Setting Values on Exposed Bound Box properties

So with setting values to exposed properties in visual graph effects. Using setfloat for something like the spawn-rate is straight-forward, however something like the bounding box property, which has numerous properties of it’s own, not just a single float value, how do I set all of those? Is there a naming convention for the string to access it’s properties like center & size?

I also see you have to check them so do I need to set bool for each? I don’t see anything in the docs showing how to access these properties within the properties. (the docs for the exposed property helper consists of a single paragraph)

Any help is greatly appreciated.

There was some easy way to check this, but somehow I can’t remember now, but yes it’s
propertyName_field. For example if you want to set Transform property named “MyTransform”, then it will be:

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This is what I meant Cannot access exposed Visual Effect tansform property in code

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I have confirmed you are correct. Thank you so much for your help.