Setting variables in inherited classes?

Hello i am kinda confused how i set a public variable in an inherited class situation. I got methods working using virtual and override, but can’t see to get it to work for public variables.

My code has this structure:

public class Node{ //generic applies to all
     public int x;
     public int y;

     public Node(int tx, int ty){
            x = tx;
            y = ty;
public class BasicAsset : Node{ // basic assets with no unique behaviour
  public Actions actions;

    public Asset(int x, int y, Actions a) : base (x,y) {
        actions = a;
public class PlatformAsset : Node { //unique to platforms
    public PlatformHandler handler;

    public Asset(int x, int y, PlatformHandler h) : base (x,y) {
        handler = h;
public class Actions : MonoBehaviour{ //generic applies to all
    virtual public void Enter(List<Node> n,Vector3 p){}
    virtual public void Exit(List<Node> n, Node curNode){}
public class PlatformHandler : Actions { //unique to platforms
    virtual public Platform platform {get; set;}

In my class PlatformHandler i want to set the Platform to a list i have. First the platform component which has an error and looks like this:

public class PlatformController : PlatformHandler {

   //ERROR:  The modifier `override' is not valid for this item   - Why?
   override public Platform platform;


As you can see i get an error for using override here - so am a bit confused why.

Here is a code snippet in my game which is meant to be setting platforms to a list:

Platform platform    = go.GetComponent<Platform>();

for(int i=0;i<platformAreas.Count;i++){
  PlatformAsset asset  = (PlatformAsset)platformAreas[i];
  platformAsset.handler.platform = platform;

So yeah what is the correct syntax for this ? It works fine for my methods in Actions but not a variable. Hope you can help explain my error.

You can override a property because a property has functionality. You can’t override a variable, its just a place holder that holds something, there’s nothing to override.

i.e. you could do :

override public Platform platform {get; set;}

But you would only do this if there is some new behaviour in the subclass.

From what I can gather about your use case it seems like there’s no need to override anything.