I’ve followed a number of posts regarding best practices with accessing script variables functions through GetComponent, and it all works great, except for one issue:
I have a Manager script which instantiates an object (an enemy) X times, and for each enemy instance it sets the GameObject properties for position, rotation, and a variable, “enemySpeed”
The transforms set fine for each instance, but always the last instance created resolves to a value of 0 for enemySpeed. If I only create one instance, enemySpeed resolves to zero.
If I set the variable via a function, and put a print(enemySpeed) function inside it, this returns the correct value (a random float), but then enemySpeed resolves itself back to zero (or if I put a value in the inspector, it will resolve to that).
Here’s the code, condensed to just the problem::
var enemy : GameObject;
private var enemyInstance : GameObject;
private var enemyScript : EnemyScript;
function Start() {
for (var i = 0; i < 6 ; ++i)
enemyInstance = GameObject.Instantiate(enemy);
enemyScript = enemy.GetComponent(EnemyScript);
print (enemyScript.setState(10.0));
public var enemySpeed;
public function(sp)
enemySpeed = sp;
return enemySpeed;
function Update()
print enemySpeed;