setting your own masterserver up

I have downloaded the latest masterserver from the unity website:

However i don't really no what to do to get it running and working.

I am running it on a windows machine. Every bit of help i read makes it out to be very easy but i am just not getting it. Please can anyone help

I know this post is old but hopefully this is helpful to someone…

Well I am in the process of setting mine up right now but I have made some progress that I am willing to share.

Since you are on windows you will need to build each part of the server that you downloaded and make the exe files.

I used MS Visual Studio 2010. You can get a free version of MS Visual Studio Express from Microsoft website. I read that you should use any version of the software 2003 and newer.

Extract each zip file into its own folder.

Within the extracted files for each you will see a VisualStudio folder.

In that folder is a visual studio solution file.

Open that in visual studio, insure you are making a release build, and build the solution.

In the visual studio file you will now see a new folder called “Release” (“Debug” if you built the solution in Debug mode), if you look in there, assuming the build worked, the exe file will be in there.

Just run that on the machine you want to be the master server and a command prompt window will pop up showing the server information and logging information.

You will do the above for all the files that you wish to have running, like the MasterServer, Facilitator, ConnectionTester, and proxy.

An example is that I have the MasterServer and Facilitator running now and I’m working on getting the connection tester going. I still use the Unity default ip and port for that in mine. I’m not sure if it matters if it connects to your server but I bet it does.
The connection tester mentions that the server must have 4 ip addresses and mine only has one… I’m not sure what’s going on so I’m currently looking for answers. I am also not sure if the proxy is necessary. I’m still researching that too.

Set up your custom master server in the code for you game.

MasterServer.ipAddress = "";
MasterServer.port = #####;
Network.natFacilitatorIP = ...
Network.natFacilitatorPort = ...

I am currently trying to get the connection tester working on mine so I’m not sure about this part:

Network.connectionTesterIP = ...
Network.connectionTesterPort = ...

After all that is done, you should be able to connect to your new MasterServer.

Hopefully this is helpful and good luck!