Settings runtime path in PlayerPrefs to file...

I didn’t see this already mentioned, so sorry if this is a dupe. But could you guys maybe comment out some of the newly added Debug.LogFormat statements that went into a recent version? For example, I get this message going into play mode these days:

Settings runtime path in PlayerPrefs to file://{UnityEngine.Application.dataPath}/…/Library/com.unity.addressables/settings_BuildScriptVirtualMode.json

Thanks for the feedback. we’re still working out how to best manage our logging

Would be nice to have an option to enable/disable all regular logging (not errors). Sometimes i just cut all starting log messages in PackageCache folder, but it updates automatically some time later =)
Reason why i am doing this, is - sometimes i just need to Play, check some debug message, Stop, edit code, Play, and so on. But Addressables do some starting logging that forces me to scroll console window to see my target message. This slows down my iteration a little :confused: Thanks for great package!

Any update on this? It’s gotten worse.

If you really dont like excessive logging (like me), you can do this:

  1. Edit path_to_project\Library\PackageCache\com.unity.addressables@0.8.6-preview\Runtime\Initialization\InitializationOperation.cs (comment logging statements that you dont need)
  2. Copy edited file to some place
  3. Every time you reopen project, this file will be replaced with normal one, so you need to overwrite it every time. I use batch file for this (Windows) every time i open a project:
    xcopy /b/v/r/y “path_to_edited_file\InitializationOperation.cs” “path_to_unity_project\Library\PackageCache\com.unity.addressables@0.8.6-preview\Runtime\Initialization\InitializationOperation.cs”
  4. This will work until the package version changes

You do, except it’s broken.

You should be able to set or un-set ADDRESSABLES_LOG_ALL from the Scripting Define Symbols in Player Settings to turn on or off info logging. Unfortunately our main init logs bypass that flag. So we’ll get to fixing that!

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Just want to echo that this would be lovely to have fixed.