Several objects, same script, different values with no duplications

I’m making a little quiz game with multiple choices for practicing. Each answer button has a random item taken from a string list. I mean, the list contains elements and with this script I “paste” a random string element from that list in the UI text box to show an answer:

public Text answerText;

    private int randomAnswerIndex;

    void Start () {
        randomAnswerIndex = Random.Range(0, languageAnswers.Count);
        answerText.text = languageAnswers[randomAnswerIndex];


Each answer button has this script referenced, but I’m lost in how to avoid that an item text from the list shows twice, i.e., the word “English” in two different buttons at the same time. How can I solve it? If it’s with an “if” statement, how can I access to the different button texts from the script? I’m trying to use “FindGameObjectWithTag”, but it doesn’t work.


Remove it from the list.

public Text answerText;

 private int randomAnswerIndex;

 void Start () {
     randomAnswerIndex = Random.Range(0, languageAnswers.Count);
     answerText.text = languageAnswers[randomAnswerIndex];


But I think a better way to do this would be to have a main script that you can loop through the buttons rather than have them all triggered at Start().