When adding custom shaders to our Wii-U project, compilation fails with the error
‘Not enough stack; your application must provide at least 4MB of stack space.’
This happens for nearly all shaders, including most of the standard Unity shaders like the basic Diffuse shader.
Using shaders included with Unity works without problems, including the Diffuse shader.
The problem occurs on all newly created projects with only e.g. the diffuse shader included.
The problem occurs under Unity 4.3.7f1, but apparently not under 4.2.2f1.
Anyone knows how to fix this problem?
Hi Michael. Downgrading cafe to 2.11.13 solved the problem. Thanks for the help
Have you upgraded to a new Wii U SDK recently? I’m currently investigating this bug here at Unity Japan, and I believe it’s related to the recently-released SDK version.
If you’ve upgraded your Wii U SDK, consider downgrading if possible. If that resolves the issue, great! The older version available at Nintendo’s site should still be suitable for game submission, and we’ll fix this bug soon. If it doesn’t resolve your particular issue, please file a bug with the Unity Bug Reporter and mention this Unity Answers page in your report. Thanks!
I’m told this was fixed in Unity for Wii U 2.2.0, so upgrading to that and upgrading your SDK should work. Someone else had the same bug. Upgrading fixed it.
Just because you have Unity 4.3.7f1 doesn’t mean you have the latest version of Unity for Wii U. Try the newest version of both Unity for Wii U and the SDK.
2.11.3 is not supported for Unity for Wii U, so you may find other problems later on.