Shader Editing problem - compiled shader in editor

Ive been messing with shaders the past days, but I have run into the problem that when I save a shader and reopen it to edit it, I see the following… (or similar) this is not what I have put in.

			Program "" {
// Vertex combos: 1, instructions: 7 to 7
// Fragment combos: 1, instructions: 2 to 2, texreads: 0 to 0
SubProgram "opengl " {
Keywords { }
Bind "vertex", Vertex
Bind "normal", Normal
# 7 instructions
PARAM c[5] = { { 0.5 },
		state.matrix.mvp };
DP4 R0.x, vertex.position, c[3];
MAD, vertex.normal, c[0].x, c[0].x;
DP4 result.position.w, vertex.position, c[4];
MOV result.position.z, R0.x;
DP4 result.position.y, vertex.position, c[2];
DP4 result.position.x, vertex.position, c[1];
MOV result.fogcoord.x, R0;
# 7 instructions, 1 R-regs

Are you sure it changes your original shader file, and you’re not just clicking on the “open compiled shader” button in the inspector?