shader.find returns null in 2019


In unity 2018 I had a piece of code that on importing of assets would assign it a custom shader. I would find the shader by using shader.Find(). When upgrading to unity 2019 this shader.find() would now return a null. This custom shader is located in the resources folder

I long ago gave up on shader.Find() and just dragged the shaders I want into public shader fields somewhere.

This was back in 2013 or so and shader.Find() always worked in the editor, but it had about 57,000 different ways it could fail on actual builds, almost all of them without ANY clue as to why.

Just do yourself a favor and drag the reference into something like the first scene, or an always-loaded singleton object that loads a prefab, or whatever other way you wanna do it.

seems like a weird workaround. Never had any issues in the past with having custom shaders in the resources folder and using shader.find, so there has to be someway to get this to work in the same manner in 2019.