Shader Giving Off Unwanted Effect


I am totally new to shading and came across a problem I cant find an answer to on a google search. In Pic 1, you can see an unwanted cross effect in my shader. I am using a projector with a custom shader (Linked below) with a cookie and a fall off (linked Below).
the cookie and fall off are photoshop files and are texture type : Advanced in unity. The floor are 4x4 unit prefabs, marked by the black lines.

Pic 1


Cookie Left and Fall Off right


Shader Code

Shader "Projector/Hover Over" { 
   Properties { 
      _Color ("Main Color", Color) = (1,0.5,0.5,1)
      _ShadowTex ("Cookie", 2D) = "" { TexGen ObjectLinear } 
      _FalloffTex ("FallOff", 2D) = "" { TexGen ObjectLinear } 
   Subshader { 
      Pass { 
         ZWrite off 
         Fog { Color (1, 1, 1) } 
         ColorMask RGB 
         Blend One One 
         SetTexture [_ShadowTex] { 
         	constantColor [_Color]
            combine texture * constant, ONE - texture 
            Matrix [_Projector] 
         SetTexture [_FalloffTex] { 
            constantColor (0,0,0,0) 
            combine previous lerp (texture) constant 
            Matrix [_ProjectorClip] 


the only way i would know how to fix it is maybe leaving some blank space around the circle, but I have not learned anything about shaders.