Shader Graph in LWRP makes UV dependend shadows (looks wrong), urp-lit shader not, how change?

Hi, I am using the Light weight renderpipeline (LWRP) and have some meshes with no proper UVs (they overlap randomly) When I use the Universal renderpieline’s (URP) lit shader, they receive shadows properly.
When I use the shader-graph PBR Master output however, the Shadows look totally distorted. After I fixed the UV’s on one of the meshes the shadows look correct however.
Now I made some very special shaders using alpha cutout and other mumbojumbo, so I heavily rely on shadergraph.
Yet I dont want the 3d guy to UVmap All of the literally hundreds of meshes we use. So can I tell my shadergraph shaders to not use the UVs but produce the shadows like the URP lit shader?
Honestly I dont even know where to look right now, so any Idea would be apreciated.


Problem: if you use the Shader Graph PBR shader and patch in a normal map texture (even empty one with no texture aplied), something may break about the shading (received shadows) of the mesh.

Solution: in shadergraph, if no normal texture is applied to the material, I use an input bool to toggle (branch) from the normal map texture to “normal vector” node (space = tangent).