Hey all,
I use Visual Studio for all my C# scripting, and comfortable as I am, I’ve grown totally accustomed to the luxury of its intellisense support telling me exactly what’s available and what exactly is in scope at any given time, as well as its code-completion. But I recently started studying shader programming, and Visual Studio has no idea what a .shader-file is, so it has no syntax highlighting - it’s not even indenting lines after a “{”. So now I’m back to playing “Where’s Waldo” with compile-time errors whenever I slightly mistyped a variable name again. It’s really a “back to the stone age”-experience. I miss having someone hold my hand, damn it!
Is anyone aware of a way to get intellisense support for Cg in Visual Studio? Or if that’s not possible, perhaps another editor I can run on the side? I just need something that knows what’s up and down in Cg as I type. For instance, I’d like to know exactly what is in unitycg.cginc. I understand it defines things like input structs and provides access to stuff like the ModelViewProjection-matrix, but I’d like to see its complete contents. It doesn’t seem very well documented.
I searched around and found the Strumpy editor, but that isn’t what I’m looking for. I understand shader-code just fine, so a visual drag’n’drop editor that hides it from me is not the goal.