Shader is different on Mobile Build

Hi guys, im trying to make a simple carpaint shader with Shader Graph, with a simple noise map connect to the smoothness value, on Editor it looks good but after build on mobile it looks like the tilling is diffrent than on Editor, do anyone know the issue,i would appreciate it if you could help me with this matter, i tried to change the mipmap setting too but nothing seem to work is this something about hardware limit. Thanks

Unity 6000.0.30f1

Editor :

After Build on Mobile device :

My first thought is that it’s a difference between the type of texture compression that’s being applied on mobile vs PC. Try setting you texture to uncompressed on both and see if the issue goes away.

Thank you Ben, but it doesn’t seem to work, i tried to change everything in the texture setting tab and it still the same, in the end i just use the simple noise node, but it looks very noisy.