I am still getting what I believe is this issue in 2020.2 final:
Shader error in 'WeatherMaker/WeatherMakerPrecipitationShader': 'UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D_SAMPLER_LOD': Too few arguments to a macro call. at Assets/WeatherMaker/Prefab/Shaders/WeatherMakerCloudShaderInclude.cginc(142)
Hi aleksandrk, I am in the process of submitting a bug report, but the issue, as I mentioned in my thread above, is that the problem occurs in a paid third party shader file (WeatherMaker). Am I allowed to attach that to the bug report, or would that be a licence violation?
@PhoenixAdvanced I have hacked around this and refreshed the latest weather maker version. Let me know if it helps. Still does not explain what changed in the newer Unity versions.
I am not sure, but it has worked for all Unity versions prior to Unity 2020.1.16 I submitted an update to use the 4 arg call. Maybe something to do with using default parameters when not specified getting broken?