Shader shows differently after update urp(unity editor version also)

Hi, I have project with custom shader.
After update unity editor from 2019.4.15f1 to 2021.3.1f1, material shows differently on 2021(even material have same custom color values).
On previous version(2019.4.15f1), I used URP version 7.5.1, and since unity 2021 does not allow certain version of urp, so I’ve updated package to 12.1.6.
Attached pictures are before/after of the update, and shader file which have problem.
I’ve checked any changes on shader code itself, there was no changes.
I suspect some of shader code method is changed internally…
Please help.
Thanks in advance!
*I’m using Gamma space for all of them.

8389389–1106832–URP.shader (4.15 KB)

Can’t you match the visual to the old one with changing values?

I tried, but it is super hard to match(furthermore, this shader is not the only one that suffers on my project).

Found reason. At least for this shader…
Reason was URP changed feature on 10.1.0, below message

  • Shader functions SampleSH9, SampleSHPixel, SampleSHVertex are now gamma corrected in gamma space. As result LightProbes are gamma corrected too

My shader used SampleSHVertex to correct shader to be gamma space, After removing it, it is working normally.

Great you found it