Shader works in dx9 but incorrect in dx11

I have a shader which creates a walking strobe light effect out of a single mesh. This works perfectly under dx9 but in dx11 the strobe light is only switched off at the end of the cycle.



Code responsible for the strobing. Note that a light is switched off by lerping between a scale of 0 (0.2 here to make it a bit more visible) and a preset scale.

//Get the fractional part of the time. So 1.23 becomes 0.23   
//The group id is added to the time to create a more random look.     
half fracTime = frac((_Time2 + * _Speed);  //_Time2  _Time.y

//Output 1 if fracTime is bigger then the id, otherwise output 0.
//A and B look like this after the step functions:
half A = step(, fracTime);
half B = 1 - step(( + _TimeStep), fracTime);

//The time that both A and B are true is the time the strobe should be on.
f = (A == B);

//Switch the strobe off by setting the scale to 0. This avoids using if statements.
scale = lerp(0.2, scale, f);

float4 offset = float4(input.corner.x, -input.corner.y + _Yoffset, 0.0, 0.0) * scale;

output.pos = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, + offset);

Any idea what might cause this? I debugged it in VS and the scale is set correctly. All variables on the dx9 and dx11 side are the same. This is really weird.

This turned out to be an Nvidia driver bug. Fixed in the latest driver release.