If I just move some node in the graph, the whole line will change. Should I need to use git-lfs save .shadergraph file?
To decide whether to track a file type with git-lfs or not, I usually use those questions:
will you need to diff / merge two files (because this can’t be done using git-lfs) ?
If the answer is NO, then you can track it with git-lfs. Usually this is because it isn’t a text file, or the format makes it very hard to diff (like the .shadergraph).
If the answer is YES or MAYBE, then surely don’t track it with git-lfs !
is the file big ? Depending on your max storage capacity you might need to track a file using git-lfs even though it could be diffed / merged (an example is a FBX file in text format).
That’s it ! Because of the first point, I do track my .shadergraph using git-lfs, and I commit changes that are as small and atomic as possible, with very descriptive commit message (which is always a good idea anyway).
Unless it is over ~50mb I usually dont put things in LFS, regardless of file type. Just put it in normal git, LFS is only for what it says in the tin - large file storage.
Or - Unity should fix the shadergraph serialization so that it doesn’t become unusable with version control…
I’m unhappy that none of the new serialized asset files are even remotely human editable. It would have been a huge benefit in many ways.