Hello guys,
i’am asking for help, because i don’t know why it’s not working?
My ShaderGraph Setup:
boolean keyword (PROCEDURAL_INSTANCING_ON) multiCompile, global
One CustomFunction as string
#pragma instancing_options procedural:ConfigureProcedural
Out = In;
a hlsl Script for the ShaderGraph to get the StructuredBuffer Data
StructuredBuffer<float3> _Positions;
float3 position;
void ConfigureProcedural() {
position = _Positions[unity_InstanceID];
void ShaderGraphFunction_float(out float3 Out) {
Out = position;
void ShaderGraphFunction_half(out half3 Out) {
Out = position;
And here a picture of the shadergraph node setup:
I tested it with a SurfaceShader, it works fine, but the ShaderGraph renders/shows no objects.
Is there a mistake at some point?
Hope someone see it with differend eyes.
Thank you all
position = _Positions[unity_InstanceID];
You should not just store a uniform variable’s value back from the structure buffer…
Try this approach instead :
struct positionBuffer {
float4 Position;
StructuredBuffer<positionBuffer> _PerInstanceData;
// use #pragma instancing_options procedural:vertInstancingSetup to setup unity_InstanceID & related macro, what vertInstancingSetup do are actually not important
void vertInstancingSetup() {
// Shader Graph Functions
void GetInstancingPos_float(in float3 PositionWS, out float3 Out)
Out = 0;
Out = PositionWS + _PerInstanceData[unity_InstanceID].Position.xyz;
Instead of store back the strcuture buffer’s value you can just add the value and output the result using OUT keyword.
Also the global keyword
I’m able to use DrawMeshInstancedIndirect api via this approach