I’m trying to use Shadergraph for the first time, otherwise being used to shaderforge. I managed to get the thing running, but am facing a couple of issue with my shader :
First, my shader will appear pitch black in game view when applied to an UI image in Overlay mode. It works as intended in the scene view, or when applied to SpriteRenderers or other kind of Canvases (Camera and world).
Overlay canavs being of course, the one type of display I need.
Secondly, I can’t add a _MainTex
property to my shader. When I do so, the shader throws various errors and appears magenta, most commonly :
From the package manager, I’ve installled the Lightweight Scriptable Render Pipeline.
I’m running Unity 2018.3
4278649–383038–Shadergraph.unitypackage (26.1 KB)