Shadergraph reflective cubemap with normal map

Hello, I was wondering how to achieve a material like the unity legacy reflective bump lit shader in shader graph. So far I made a basic urp lit shader with an albedo, normal and a cubemap reflection, however I want the normal map to distort the reflection of the cubemap as the previously mentioned legacy shader. This are the nodes Iā€™m using. Any suggestions on how to achieve that effect?
Thanks :slight_smile:


Edit: I figure out that I can blend the normal map with a blend normal node into the Sample reflected cubemap normal. And it seams to work fine. If anyone has another method let me know.

The normal map vector is in tangent space.

The Sample Reflected Cubemap node is expecting a world space normal as an input.

You want to use a Transform node using from Tangent to World to take the tangent space normal and transform it to world space.