ShaderGraph: Set applyPostProcessToneMap for unlit materials?

We have some unlit materials mixed with lit materials, all using the same colors, but the colors do not match on device. This is because “applyPostProcessToneMap” is not set to true in the generated materialX shaders for the unlit materials. Is there a way to set it from ShaderGraph without editing the generated materialX/USD shaders by hand?

            def Shader "realitykit_unlit"
                uniform token info:id = "ND_realitykit_unlit_surfaceshader"
                bool inputs:applyPostProcessToneMap = 1 // Defaults to 0

Not at the moment, but we’re working on a way to customize the shader graph target (for lighting, e.g.), which will allow us to add an option for this as well. I will make a note to add that.

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