ShaderMap 3.0 Released

Hi all,

Just wanted to let you know that a new version of ShaderMap is available. I’ve worked really hard on this release and hope you will check it out.

ShaderMap 3

Major new features include:

  • Floating point map generation

  • 3D models as source, map baking

  • Filter stacks

  • Masks

  • Improved project grid interface

  • Real displacement visualization

For a complete list of features and improvements check out the what’s new page.

Download a demo of ShaderMap at

Cheers everyone,

OS X version coming?

No plans for OSX support in version 3. Thanks for the question.

A couple of things that would make it a complete solution would firstly be PBR correction, as base diffuse textures are a thing of the past now.

Secondly a paint tool like Z-brush with/ UV export.

Thanks for your feedback. You can add an Albedo Map to the project, it uses the diffuse map as an input. From there you can adjust shadow / highlight and view sRGB and Linear luminance values. There is also a level adjustment on that particular map.

I will probably add this into the default project during next update.

Thanks. Bookmarked. :sunglasses: