Shadow Acne and Jagged Shadows on Primitive Cube After Upgrade to URP


I upgraded a simple 3D project to use URP recently and immediately noticed that the only shadow-casting primitive cube in my scene is casting jagged shadows and has rows of triangular shadow acne on it’s faces.

I can tweak the Depth Bias to adjust the visibility of the shadow acne but I’m not sure if that’s the best way or if that would cause issues for other objects’ shadows. I also tweaked the Normal Bias along with Depth Bias to attempt to remove the acne but again, I’m not sure if what I’m doing is the best way to solve this.

The jagged shadows are beyond me. I tweaked shadow Distance in the URP asset shadows settings and the jaggedness only smoothens out at a distance of 2 units to camera. That’s not good since my camera would obviously be further away and when I zoom out just by a little, the shadows completely disappear. The default distance is 50 units and that produces the result in the screenshot. A jagged shadow.

Anybody has any solutions to these two issues?

Thanks in advance for your time.

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I have this problem. No fix.

Shadows in URP are garbage from the unity 3 era
My fix: lower resolution and keep soft on, it hides the misery