shadow causing ridiculous frame rates and draw calls!

i have a big scene in unity with lots of big and small gameobjects(batched statically) and a directional light to render them.when i switch on shadows in the directional light the no of draw calls increases and the stats go as as shown in the first pic.however when i disable shadows the stats fall to as low as 1/5 as in the second pic.adjusting the shadow settings did not there any possibility that shadows take up so many draw call or is it some i disable shadows for small objects?55646-2.jpgplease help!

Based on your evidence I would have to say that turning on shadows will increase your draw calls. Looking at the rest, turning on shadows added 1.4 milliseconds to your frame rendering time. Doesn’t seem like something to be worried about.

If your objects are static you can bake the shadows if you haven’t already. That may give some improvement.