Shadow Detection Asset

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NEW Version 1.3 already available

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This asset can detect if the gameobject is in the darkness, shadow or on the light. Perfect for creating a stealth mode in you game. Asset built on raycast. Customizable shadow brightness. Customizable detector the frequency of checking the brightness of light. Processes only those light sources that are within the detector. Easy integration.

Supported light:

  • Directional
  • Point
  • Spot

It does not work with the baked shadows.

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This is quite cool! what’s the performance like?

Thanks) At high loads is not checked, the overall good. The method of determining the shade rather non-standard, so it can be a costly resource. If people show interest, will optimize

Quite interested. Are u rendering the scene again to do the checking?

Shadow detector released! Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making
I am preparing a video tutorial with examples based on unity sample project scene.
It should be interesting!

Dang, I wish I had this a few months ago! :slight_smile: This looks amazing - will definitely consider this for our next game

Hi !

Your asset seems wonderful.
I have only one question : in the video, the character is either in the light or in the shadows.
Does your asset is capable of more refined info, like in skyrim ? ie does the character could be half visible, for example ?

Oh sure. Thank you for the question. Now version 1.2 for confirmation. It is possible to do. You can get the brightness level of the shadows in which your character is as follows:
transform.GetComponent (). shadowBright

Thank you very much, I hope you will help Asset

Just saw this. It sounds like a great tool. Not just for the stated purpose of adding “cover” by being in shadows, but also maybe to auto-adjust exposure with Scion (image effect plugin), which has been a problem for me in dynamic and high contrast lighting situations.

If you are using effects that make the shade darker - adjust the brightness of the shadows in shadow detector component

are lights movable or must be static?

the moved course, complete dynamic!

Awesome! Bought right away. :slight_smile:

Awesome thanks! Just bought it :slight_smile:

NEW Version 1.3 already available

I haven’t had a chance to try out the new improvements, but it sounds great. Thanks! :slight_smile:

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