Shadow distance on ScreenSpaceReflections


I have raytraced reflections enabled on some glass-surfaces and the reflected shadows seem to get clipped at some distance and I don´t find any settings to fix that.

Any help is very welcomed - thanks.

You mention Screen Space Reflections and Raytraced Reflections. Which one are the shadows coming from?

Note that the end of the shadow seems to correspond with the bottom of the camera frustum. Do out-of-frustum shadows exist for the raytraced reflections to use?

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Thanks very much for helping.

I have raytracing enabled for the scene.
The glass has “Recieve SSR Transparent” enabled.
No matter if the shadows of the sun are ScreenSpace / Raytraced or not, they get clipped.
It´s indeed the camera frustum, where can I configure “Out of frustum shadows” ?

I tried Light.useViewFrustumForShadowCasterCull on my sunlight, but it does not change anything.

There is a setting in the RayTracing Settings override that should just do that. The idea is to increase the validity area of the shadows outside the camera frustrum.


Does not change anything here.
Do I have to enable Extend shadow culling or something somewhere else?

Nope, this should be enough, so if this doesn’t help, it means that wasn’t the issue !

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