I’m working on implementing a shadow mapping solution, which I’m using as a “line of sight”. I basically use the same technic as shadow mapping to display what the enemy sees.
So far, this works great.
Now, I would like to represent what the enemy would see for a specific height: for example, if an object makes a height of 1, display where it would be visible from the enemy.
I tried to do this by modifying the shadow maps algorithm, by rendering the world position with + 1:
half4 FragOrtho (VertexOut i) : COLOR
float4 positionWorld = OrthoGraphicDepthToWorldPosition(i);
float visible = 0.0;
positionWorld.y += 1.0;
visible += CalculateVisibility(positionWorld);
return GenerateMask(visible);
My problem is that it’s “bleeding” on other objects, and I don’t know how I can fix this.
Here is the code which is computing the visibility:
float CalculateVisibility(float4 pixelWorldPos)
// Calculate distance to source in range[0 - far plane]
float sourceDistance = distance(pixelWorldPos.xyz, _SourceInfo.xyz);
// Convert world space to LOS cam depth texture UV's
float4 sourcePos = mul(_SourceWorldProj, pixelWorldPos);
float3 sourceNDC = sourcePos.xyz / sourcePos.w;
// Clip pixels outside of source
clip(max(min(sourcePos.w, 1 - abs(sourceNDC.x)), _Settings.w - 0.5));
// Convert from NDC to UV
float2 sourceUV = sourceNDC.xy;
sourceUV *= 0.5f;
sourceUV += 0.5f;
// VSM
float2 moments = tex2D(_SourceDepthTex, sourceUV).rg;
//moments.y = moments.y - 1;
float visible = ChebyshevUpperBound(moments, sourceDistance, _Settings.z);
// Handle vertical out of bound pixels
visible += _Flags.x * _Flags.y * (1 - step(abs(sourceNDC.y), 1.0));
visible = saturate(visible);
// Ignore pixels behind source
visible *= step(-sourcePos.w, 0);
// Calculate fading
float edgeFade = CalculateFade(abs(sourceNDC.x), _Settings.y);
float distanceFade = CalculateFade(sourceDistance / _SourceInfo.w, _Settings.x);
// Apply fading
visible *= distanceFade;
visible *= edgeFade;
return visible;
I think I would need to modify something there to take into account the +1 on the world pos, but I can’t find where…
Any idea for someone good at maths?
Here is my current result, as you can see the back of the wall shouldn’t be green: