Shadow output from POM or shadow node?

Hi !

What’s between POM and Albedo in this graph please ?
I don’t see on the screenshot how the vector 3 for light angle is given or when it’s mixed with the Albedo?


(I am looking for a pom + pdo + shadows setup on 2019.3, probably I’ ll only use the shadows output)

In Unreal for reference:

Doesn’t exist in the HDRP’s POM node because it doesn’t use in-shader calculated shadows like the UE4 node allows. The shadows on POM surfaces aren’t treated differently than any other shadow in the scene. They’re done with screen space contact shadows and shadow maps for the whole scene.

Thanks for enlighting me on this, that’s good news :slight_smile: ! (and bad news as Im not sure I can afford this on what I’m working on :frowning: )

I would really enjoy using shadows when composing materials, I guess that’s some custom shader work here ^^.