i am totally new to Unity. Just downloaded 5.1 and the SGDZ GM Kit.
Its a third person shooter. The Kit comes with two existing maps and two gamemodes.
I dont want to change anything considering the gamemechanic - all i want is a new map that can be played on.
I tried to edit the existing map but i dont know how to remove objects besides unchecking them in the infobox.
I also imported a free map from 3dwarehouse.sketchup.com into a new scene but i dont know how to add spawnpoints, controllzones, players… to make it a playable map.
Next i tried was to import that free map into the existing scene. But how do i move copy/paste the spawnpoints/controllzones?
Is there some tutorial that covers this matter?
Makes no sense to create my own map/skins/weapons if i cant even get a existing one working
Yeah, you’re really jumping in the deep end without knowing how to hold your breath here.
Put your SGDZ GM kit aside for a month, and spend that time instead going through tutorials at Learn. Pay special attention to the tutorials in the “Editor” section, which will teach you how to use Unity itself, but do some programming and animation tutorials too, as well as a few of the complete-game type tutorials.
Then you can come back to your SGDZ GM kit, and have a good chance of getting somewhere with it!
thx for your answer. I don’t want to create any new animations or even new games. I just want to create a new map for the existing game, by editing the map that is in the kit. Dont want to change any mechanics etc…
Importing a existing map from sketchup failed as i wasn’t able to align some collider to it and my character just went/fell through it…
So i erased all the floors and walls from the GM map and built a new terrain and dragged the control zones and spawn points around. Had to mess wirth the light for a while because everything was black outside of unity…but finally it worked. So thats ca. 90% of what i actually wanted to accomplish. Just a quick and dirty map i can play with some friends on a dedicated server as the game is stuck with the same 7 maps for two years now…
Maybe then i can start working on a real map that will get integrated by Madfinger Games into the official Version of Shadowgun Deadzone.
Hey there, great map! Can’t wait to play it together
I’m gonna take a look at Learn but I don’t want to start right from the beginning. Like Milan8888 I’m just interested in editing an existing map. Any tips are welcome!
Learn the very basic’s of Unity (E.g. how Prefabs are handled, how to properly build a project, etc.) then try playing around with the kit. If you run into any brick walls try looking up the issue on Unity Documentation or the Forums.
As you are new unity tutorial roll-a-ball would be perfect, or if you know something then scavanger or space shooter.
If someone explains this to you, you will have more questions than answers
FYI - after digging through this trying to find where the user account data was stored and isolating my game inside a virtual network, watching the ports in use - this is what I found.
This requires using MFG’s account server - all of your players account info is leaving your network and going to MFG’s account handling server (not included in the source)
The game uses a third party license and tells you that that license supersedes unity’s own asset store license ; not true. You are bound only to the license of unity asset store - meaning you download this - its yours., do as you wish.
It works as standalone game on browsers and on android. Half of the maps are selfmade, others are freebies from 3d-stores that got modified by me to make them playable.
Hello, I’m shooting my shot here since it’s been years but do you somehow still have the assets for this? or any source material? I’m planning on remaking it and trying new things for a project. Hoping it’s possible to ask you for it thanks
I’m also looking to redo the project, it’s currently been 1 year since the comzone project was abandoned and I plan to revive the game but I need to get my hands on the Shadowgun Deadzone GMkits, there’s definitely the file lying around on the internet so far I managed to restart games that were either deleted or with the servers closed but we obviously can’t play multiplayer but with GMkits there is a way to create a game in its own right I am ready to do anything to revive shadowgun deadzone