Hello, I’ve started a project for Oculus Quest with URP.
Actually I have a very simple scene: a plane, a cube and a direct light with hard shadows
In Editor there’s the nice shadow of the box onto the plane, but when I build for Quest the shadow is not there.
I’ve checked every possible setting, and I’m using the “URP-HighFidelity” pipeline asset.
(P.S. I never had such a problem with Legacy Render and Quest2)
I’ve searched on Google for a solution, but I could not find anything.
It’s the 1st time I use URP, maybe I’m missing something very obvious?
Any help would be much appreciated
Many thanks
Is the high fedelity asset also default for android? To rule this out delete all other quality presets.
Also, what Unity version?
Yes, the high fidelity is set for Android too (both PC and Android have the same quality level).
I’m using Unity 2022.1.13f1
Furthermore, If I use a spotlight in place of the direct light, the light does not show at all.
It’s weird: I’ve created a new project with the URP Sample scene, in which I’ve created the very same scene, with the same settings for the light, for the pipeline, and for every most common setting (that I know), and in this new project the shadows work (and for the spotlight too)!!
I’m really confused, I think that there are 2 possible answers:
1 - I’m really missing some specific option/parameter somewhere
2 - There’s a huge bug in last Unity versions.
I think (and I hope) that it’s my fault, but I don’t know anymore what to check, after:
- light settings
- player settings
- quality settings
- pipeline settings
- pipeline render settings
- XR - oculus settings
P.S. Unity is wonderful, it seem like a lottery: sometimes you can do that, sometimes you can’t…
Probably missing some settings. Maybe check graphics settings and the URP asset and compare them?
And the camera and light settings in the scene?
*** SOLVED ***
I had to enable “Reflection Probes” → “Box Projection” in the URP Pipeline.
I didn’t have idea that this option could enable/disable shadows and lights in general (spotlights / pointlights), just on Oculus…
doesnt work for me
Make a new post with all the detail
I have the same issue, (Unity 2021.3.25f1 + URP 12.1.11),
the solution of danielesuppo didn’t work for me either.
In the editor and game window shadows are present but not the quest build.
If I uninstall URP, all shadows show up again, even though very low resolution for some reason.