Shadows not working!

Hey I recently installed Unity but shadows aren’t working :frowning:
I’ve tried all: changing quality settings, changing cast and recieve shadows on objects and a lot of other stuff i saw on other posts like this but i can’t make it work.

At first i thought it was my crappy PC but Unity support shadows on GMA X3000 and up GPUs (i have GMA 3100) so i don’t know why shadows doesn’t work.
I use Cinema 4D and Shadows work correctly there.
Please if anyone know how to help me i would appreciate it so much!

And in case you don’t know, i’m using directional lights! THANKS, and sorry for my english (not my native language)

Does this demo works for you?
That way you can see it you GPU supports shadows.

Are you running the pro or the free license of unity?
In the free version only one directional hard shadow is available.


GMA X3000 is one generation ahead of GMA 3100:

Thanks you both, I think is that, i’ll be upgrading my gpu soon!