I am making 3D side scroller game. This game gonna by dark with little light so shadows are very important.
Can you guys tell me what is the best way to have shadows of 3D character on iOS devices ? Is it possible ?
You can use the blob shadow projector (http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/Components/class-Projector.html) for that. I’m working on a 2.5D iOS game right now, but I found the blob shadow projector a bit more resource intensive than I wanted (it adds 1 draw call for each surface it projects onto, which can be a few at once depending on your level structure).
Since I have a fixed camera I just made my own “simple” shadow that follows the player on the back wall. It doesn’t project onto other surfaces (like the floor) but it’s good enough for my needs and much faster. It’s literally just a soft shadow plane gameobject that is a child of the main character. You could do something similar, or try the shadow projector mentioned above.
Wait for Unity 4.
Ooooh, tantalizing…
If you have iOS PRO license that is, won’t be available for basic users… I’ll go pro simply because of this…
Doesn’t Unity 3 iOS Pro already have dynamic shadows?
Either way I guess iOS Basic licenses will be in the same boat…
No. http://unity3d.com/unity/licenses
Depending on your project and target hardware, http://gustavolsson.squarespace.com/shadow-volumes-toolkit/ may be appropriate.
I have pro and iOs pro does it mean that I will have unity 4 for free?
Anyway I will try with projectors and I will look at this lumes toolkit, but If dynamic shadows will be in unity 4 I’am gonna wait for this.
No, that’s a paid upgrade.
Well , projectors are nice when your character is only walking around , but when your character has a lot of animations like fancy falls it’s rather impossible to keep this projector above the character. The projectors stays above the character controller capsule… or maybe I don’t get it.
I can put a projector in a specific bone folder for better tracking.