Shadows using Point Light

I have a car garage area and I have placed a point light to give lighting and shadows for all objects of the garage area.

I can able to get lights but there are no shadows, I hope you can see in the above screenshot. Here you have light inspector data:

In the same scene, there is a Directional Light too and it can able to generate shadows too. But I want to use only Point Light for my garage area so I have created a separate layer for this.

After this Point Light can’t able to generate shadows but Direction Light can able to show shadows in the Garage area too that I have checked. Now guide me to display shadows using Point Light.

So even with our Unity’s being a different version apparently i found the issue. Below are 2 example images as to where the issue was.


To be clear, I do not think the first image is the issue, i think it is the intensity only! I simply noticed the warning and thought i should share as it clearly doesn’t tell you on older versions of unity in the inspector, this must be a very new feature, as our unities are only a few months apart. Anyway, hope this helps some people out. and @siddharth3322, thank you for letting me help.

Thamas bell @ ZeredaGames and Co.


Now I can able to find help from Unity Forum member.
If you have directional light exist and you are also using other types of lights in the same scene then you have to increase Pixel Light Count figure in Rendering section, I have 0 over there and now I set to 1 and now I can able to get shadow over my garage area.

This is the exact reply from the right person:

I hope this reply become useful to other members.

Disable Directional light (for testing), and check the garage is lighted by the point light. Increase the range and intensity. Sometimes the light from the Sun (directional light) brights to much and makes some shadows to be “invisible”.

Ahh got it! Shadow cascade Must be on 4 cascades to work with lighting. Yours is set to no cascades in top pic left

[Edit]This is not Accurate at all, Leaving up though until questioner moves his comment so his example image doesn’t get removed also. Will remove when he/she does.