Shameful amount of unresolved questions

Unity, do better. Less than 10% of the questions in this forum are getting answered.

Partially because it’s a community forum. No answers are guaranteed anywhere

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The fact that there are so many questions and no answers, indicates that there are a lot of deficient areas in their official documentation and tutorials.So they are at least partially to blame

If there is anything wrong in the docs or missing you can give feedback at the bottom what’s wrong with it.

90% of the questions in this forum are really basic stuff, not something that one would expect to be covered by Unity’s documentation or manual.

Things like mass, friction, damping, etc. are basic physics concepts that most people should already know about when picking up Unity or any other engine. Other simulation-specific concepts like timestepping, CCD, kinematic bodies, collider types, etc. are common to pretty much all existing physics engines. If you’ve ever worked with any physics engine before, all you should be looking for is where the relevant settings are located in Unity, and looking at the API documentation. And if this is your first engine there’s more than enough resources out there that while not Unity-specific, are extremely useful.

My point is that most questions here should be answered not by pointing to Unity’s docs (which imho goes above and beyond in some aspects, as far as delving into internal algorithms and implementation details like: Unity - Manual: Continuous collision detection (CCD)), but to general game development resources.

On the other hand, a lot of posts in this forum are extremely low effort. Questions like “why doesn’t this work” without any further detail (in what way it doesn’t work, what the expected result is, what the user has tried so far, etc) are quite common, and makes it less likely for anyone to answer them.

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I did some of that in 2018. Still not updated. Gave up, assuming its just there to make it look like unity care.

well, for example, my other question about combining tensors would have not been needed if the unity docs said more than “If you don’t set the inertia tensor from a script, it is calculated automatically from all colliders attached to the Rigidbody.” This is not complete documentation, and led to me making some wrong assumptions about how my object was rotating, which led to me wasting a day trying to figure out how to combine tensors. A full day wasted, because someone at Unity didn’t spend 4 seconds to type “and for all child objects”.

Where do you get your stats from? Asking for a friend.

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That sounds pretty damn complete to me unless you don’t know how multiple colliders get attached to a single rigidbody to create compound colliders, which is absolutely basic information provided in the very first page of the manual’s “Collisions” section:

Don’t kid yourself: a full day wasted because you skipped the basics and that led you to make wrong assumptions.

When the documentation refers to “all colliders attached” it of course assumes you’ve read the manual and you know how colliders and rigidbodies are related. Even if you haven’t (which is OK, one can easily miss crucial bits when scrolling trough pages and pages of text), it takes less than 10 seconds to combine some colliders and see if/how the inertia tensor gets updated in the rigidbody’s inspector.

This is something we are all guilty of sometimes: jumping straight to the advanced stuff because we think we know better, only to miss important details.