Hi all, I’m very new to unity and am just focused on getting one thing up and running which is the Probuilder VR add-on.
I’ve completed each step through the installation guidelines until the key point of installing the Probuilder VR asset. On the github page, the downloadable content seems to come in a couple of forms, either a .zip file or a .4bo file. I’ve tried creating the folder structure in my unity project and manually placing the content from the .zip file into the right folder names but while this does show up in my scene, the Editor VR window isn’t available as it would be if I installed the regular EditorVR package straight from unity.
I’ve tried renaming the .4bo file to a .unitypackage as a last ditch attempt but no joy.
Can anyone tell me what I’m supposed to do with either the .zip file or the .4bo file? I’m sure it’s very obvious to those in the know.