Share image from app to facebook

Hi I am creating a coloring book where users can color a drawing and then share it on their facebook wall.

I am able to do this with a image URL but I want to do this without uploading the image on any server. Is this possible?

This is what I have but it doesnt work if I put the ImageUri as something other than a web link

public void FBShare ()
	if (FB.IsLoggedIn) {
		Debug.Log ("FB is logged in");
        string imagePath = Application.persistentDataPath + "/colorize.png";
		//System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes (imagePath, inComingImg.EncodeToPNG ());
		FB.FeedShare (

			new Uri ("https://myapplink/"),
			new Uri (imagePath),
	} else {
		Debug.Log ("FB is not logged in");
		FBLogin ();

You are using an image path to a local resource on the client. This is not how FB.FeedShare is supposed to work. FB.FeedShare allows users to post pre defined stories, with URLs to images on the web and approved by facebook during submission. You can use this functionality to post when a users reached a level or fulfilled a quest. You could upload your image to your own server and point to that link, but I am pretty sure facebook would reject this during submission. Facebook wants to know exactly what kind of content an app is going to generate on the users timeline.

See the docs for more information and an example ( FB.FeedShare )