Share your Unity Hub 3.0 Beta Feedback Here

I haven’t been able to open a project file since this HUB update seems to have been forced on us and since I don’t have any past versions of the hub I haven’t been able to open a project more then once since christmas. Ive spent the better part of 4 days now trying to figure out wtf to do but can’t find any solutions. Im beyond upset and the fact I’m stuck in isolation and I can’t even work on personal projects to keep myself in a good head space is getting worse and worse. Oh and Unity doesn’t seem to acknowledge support requests so thats making things even more infuriating.

Since you don’t mention what platform you are using, I’ll guess you are using Windows. Delete all Unity Hub folders you’ll find in AppData local and roaming, quit the Hub from the tray and restart it.

I’m using macOS. Sorry, kind of important detail there. I’ve done that, well the mac equivalent. I’ve deleted everything to do with unity and reinstalled everything more then a practical amount of times, didn’t work. I manually uploaded my license and even thought it says I’ve got an active license nothing opens, only lets me create new projects but then once I save and exit out can’t get back in.

Is it at all possible to get the previous hub version? When I was using 2.4.3 and 2.4.4 I didn’t have this issue, and actually getting to work on my projects instead of going stir crazy would be fantastic. But unity make it nearly impossible to find old working versions.

Well, I seem to have found a slight work-around but its far from a “solution”. I found a site that has the 2.0.0 version of the unity hub for macOS. So i can finally open projects more then once and work on projects that the new hub locked me out of. The only downside to the 2.0.0 version is I had to type in the save location for where the file is saved to (/Users/namehere/Desktop) thats not a problem though, but you can’t delete project files from your project list after you make it which I can see easily leading to a cluttered mess. But as I said, its a work-around not an actual solution.

This is the link - Download Unity Hub by Unity Technologies

Also just want to mention that I hope I’m not breaking any rules making this link in the post but its been the only reason I’ve been able to get into a project more then once since Christmas and frankly I’ve gotten desperate because I’m going stir crazy. That being said, its a secure source and otherwise works just fine besides those 2 quirks I pointed out and hopefully these work halting bugs are fixed soon in the 3.0.0 version because I otherwise think its UI looks like it would theoretically function better then previous versions if it would just open project files.

Happy Be-lated holidays to all and I hope the new year has been good to everybody.

Does this link on the download page not work? Under the Beta link is a link for Windows and Mac v2.4.x as 3.0 is still in beta:

Hopefully this helps!

Unity Hub, not Unity.

@Olivia-Li I’ve found the road map but I don’t see a release date for version 3 there: Unity Hub roadmap | Unity :slight_smile:

I don’t see a release date for version 3 there: Unity Hub roadmap | Unity :slight_smile:
[/quote]This is specifically a thing you don’t see on their roadmaps anymore. Unity still used to give quite specific targets like 4-5 years ago but that never worked well. Target were missed the targets all the time and users were complaining for it as well. Nowadays we mainly get “working on now” “planned” and “maybe” kinda info which doesn’t give us specific estimates for time of arrival.

Only place where you might be able get any reasonable estimate for some upcoming feat is if the devs working on the feat are willing to share that info (here on forums or some other place) but even then it’s not going to be on official roadmap site.


There is no way to add configurations to an installation, such as adding android to it? Or is it that I don’t know how to do it?
In the installation configuration it only says “Show in explorer” and Uninstall

If that unity is not installed originall though hub, then cannot add modules from hub.

apparently need to manually edit some config files to allow that,

Related to this, it seems that, using the NVIDIA 495 (proprietary) driver with GNOME 41.2 on Wayland, using GBM rather than EGLStreams (I haven’t tested the latter separately), the Unity Hub beta window opens, but just shows a white, empty page - you can still click on elements inside it; they just aren’t rendered, and no errors appear to be printed.

The beta hub works fine on the same setup using X11 directly instead of Wayland or XWayland (I presume the latter is used right now).

Good news! Hub V3.0.0 just landed and you can read the release notes here.

We really appreciate the feedback shared in that thread and will continue to look at it and be all ears to make the Hub better. In the meantime, this thread will be closed as it was created for 3.0.0 beta specifically but we encourage you to continue to share on this forum!

Thank you!


now no matter what unity version i try installing it always fails to install the android platform tools

I honestly find the hub useless to say its reached v3… at most I find a new editor to install and launch a project, when starting a project it leaves a lot to be desired as I waste time having launched a project just sorting out all the default packages I don’t want or do want…

Here are things I wished it did to ease the pain of unity’s current snail pace package management process that takes like half a minute just to load up in editor first… at best, sometimes longer, cus like why cache anything or do it better, would just be like 2020 hindsight idea but we are past that now.

So make the hub have option to setup packages and update them, I’m talking about the new package management area that manages the manifest.json in editor at least for a start… should be able to manage that in the hub per project for new projects and existing in much the same way (because for reasons I’ve come to find copy editing .json manifest based on existing projects already setup manually is easier than doing it via editor from scratch) and as most started projects usually all share a number of packages, doing it via hub before launching the editor would be alot easier… so I don’t spend ages making coffess while unity spends its sweet time updating a single package, compiling and just generally time wasting in doing it this way when it could just all be done in one go outside of the editor.

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I’ve been using the native hub 3rd party and it’s just better than the official hub. That in a nutshell means hub is bad right now. What’s bad?

  • Slow startup
  • Slow interaction (really don’t need animations there. Really)
  • Requires login on startup (it should just use the 30 days sweet-whatnot thing and only authenticate once every month and cache the results to disk, encrypted. Alternatively make the authentication non-mandatory)
  • Needs internet access for creating new projects (It’s already cached…)

I’m sure everyone agrees with these basic issues with hub right now. Being a webapp doesn’t cause any of them, so hub can be good and a webapp at the same time, like vscode.

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