Shared Body and Aim properties for the Freelook Rig

The Freelook rig is great. and i specially like the 3 parts rig it has. i would like to keep that and use a single Body and Aim options dialog for all 3 rigs, maybe a checkbox that says “Shared”.
i think it would be perfect for a 3rd person camera, because i would have a freelook camera out of the box that handles following and orbital rotation, with a single options dialog for all 3 rigs, so i wont have to copy the same options over all of the rigs. and i still can customize each rig again if i uncheck the “Shared” option.

a fancy way to do that would be giving the option to the user to specify which rig shares which rig options. for example: i may link the bottom rig with the middle rig, and have custom parameters for the upper rig…etc. i think this would improve a lot of workflows.

In fact Cinemachine is shipped with an experimental version of FreeLook that is exactly as you describe. In your player settings, define the symbol CINEMACHINE_EXPERIMENTAL_VCAM and then you will be able to add the CinemachineNewFreeLook behaviour to a game object.

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