shared depth buffer issue when using holographic remote mode

I am developing an app with Hololens. I found a bug recently. When I check the “shared depth buffer” option and use the holographic remote at the same time. It will give me a warning " IHolographicCameraRenderingParameters2 interface unavailable; disabling depth buffer sharing "

This is very annoying, as shared depth buffer function is very important to keep the hologram stable.
As described here Camera setup in Unity - Mixed Reality | Microsoft Learn
To keep the hologram stable, in the latest pipeline should use “shared depth buffer” instead of “SetFocusPoint” function (or the stabilization plane modifier in Holotoolkit). However, it’s not working with remoting.

I’ve tested almost every version of accessible unity from 2017.4 to 2019.1.0 with or without Holotoolkit (without means a clean file containing only a box and a camera). The OS of Hololens is RS5. And also tried to publish an X64 desktop program remoting the hologram to Hololens instead of running inside the editor, but still not working. Only if I published it as a Hololens app, it could work.

I’ve found serval issues regarding to hologramic remoting. I would like to post a summary thread later. This issue is the most emergent. Because, what I found and confirmed is in Unity 2018.2 and later, the stabilization plane modifier in Holotoolkit also works badly as poeple also complained here as below:

We don’t support the HoloLens tool kit on this page, that is a Microsoft project supported by them. I would bring all issues with the HoloLens tool kit to there attention on the git hub project.

For the shared buffer issue you are seeing, I’m unsure that is a supported path to use for remoting. If you can, can you file a bug so we can investigate the issue as you see it?

Hi, many thanks for your reply. As I am new to the community, maybe stupid to ask how should I file a bug? Should I open a bug report? Anyway, I’ve packed the repro file as zip and upload to my google drive. The file is just a cube with a camera. Unity version is 2018.3.1f. If you connect the holographic remoting and hit play, you should see the warning as I described.

Under the help menu there is a button to file a new issue, it will automatically attach your project as well.