Sharing a Unity Plugin for Windsurf

I’ve recently made some modifications to an existing project and developed a small plugin that integrates Windsurf with Unity. This plugin helps generate csproj files for IntelliSense and automatically discovers installation paths.

If you’re a Windsurf user, you might find this plugin useful. Feel free to check it out on GitHub: Windsurf Unity Plugin.

I hope it helps, and I welcome any suggestions. Thank you!


Sorry, guys. Previously, I added two explanatory images directly on GitHub and forgot to generate the meta files, which caused an error. Thanks to Kronnect’s reminder, I’ve added them now. He also added the AppleEventIntegration.bundle, so it should work fine on Macs now.

I’m trying out the Windsurf editor for the first time. I noticed that syntax highlighting is lacking a lot. How to make it look like syntax highlighting when using VS Code and Unity?

Also, when trying to debug, I get this error:

configured debug type vstuc is not supported

I’m not sure why this error occurred; maybe the Unity plugins in VSCode aren’t installed?

The unity plugins in VS Code are installed. Debugging Unity in VS Code works without problems. I tried to install the VS Code Unity plugin directly in Windsurf but it is not available in the marketplace. Changing the marketplace URL to the one from Microsoft made all plugins disappear.