I’m working on a project in Pro that has a bunch of post-processing shaders (e.g. SSAO, bloom, etc) and I may add more. Many of the shaders come from the Asset Store and other third-party sources.
So on to my question: I feel that we should make sure we’re not duplicating work, e.g. each effect rendering it’s own depth texture, that sort of thing. I’m still pretty new to Pro (and hence Render Textures). How would I find which shaders are creating/using Render Textures? Can I share them between different shaders, and would it depend upon the order the shaders are run?
You have to check the source files manually and make sure, i dont think there is any other way.
Forexample, if your custom shaders use unity provided _DepthTexture or _DepthNormalsTexture, then it is surely created once for camera (which it was turned on)
But if your shader builds a custom RT somewhere, it probably creates a few more.
I am not sure but maybe the profiler gives you statistics about this, i never checked.