Sharing The Package Asset you work on

How People share the assets they work on, That means an entire Unity Project when you still working on it
Dropbox. I’ve tried it, Seems a little weird and updates ever time a change it’s made. Not allowing multiple people at the same time.
Github? I don’t know if you can upload all the files on git.

Any Ideas? Or things you tried and worked

I’ve collaborated using Google Drive. It’s not to bad, but lately it’s in the habit of locking the temp file so Unity can’t move the build out of it. I have to close unit, delete the contents of the temp folder, then close drive and try again.

Not sure a decent or well performing alternative is out there specifically for Unity or non-code files related to game development. Maybe we should picket Git Hub to support model, texture, and sound files. Though that also means using a lot more storage space and bandwidth.

Last group project we did we used google code i think with tortoisesvn to administrate. Got an account at Github for use soon, they ask you to keep your repos to about a gig, so i’m not sure it’s good for your media. Google drive might be a better place for that.

It doesn’t work to have multiple users sharing the same Unity project via a cloud drive. If you both are 'part time’s you could agree to use something like a Stop or Go sign in the top level folder when you are working together. And if there is more than 2 of you add in a picture with your name one it. Then whenever the top folder has a stop sign and a picture you know it’s being worked on by such and such. A Go sign and you can work on the project, but don’t forget to move the Go sign and replace with a Stop sign and a Picture.

And for those ‘special projects’ I recommend doing a simple copy / paste of the orginal project folder both with the Green Go Sign before you start. When you are finished, then make a second backup of the project folder after you’ve restored the Green Go Sign and closed Unity. You shouldn’t need more then these two backups to get a project back into the last ‘working order’ if something goes wrong if everyone does that. Of course copying 5 - 10 GB folders if you’ve imported a lot of Asset Store asset into a project is tedious so pare it down once you scale the project back to what you actually need.

If you don’t do the above with is basically taking turns developing while another take a break (1 day on - 1 day off for example) then you have to manually sync changes so you’ll need to learn to use git or a similar product with a central server. Git seems most popular now but for decades it was rcs and cvs, since it’s been svn, maven, git, mercury and countless open source and commercial products based off those in short order. This isn’t even taken into account MS CM products. Unity the company itself is using when it has code that is open source.

I said google drive for media because, generally, not that much project-stopping happens when you’ve got your media stuff sorted out, while code changes tend to make a dramatic difference. Would always keep code stuff on a repo where you can sync more or less instantly. I found the art things to be less vital, usually placeholder objects can be fine until art appears

I run a personal git repo from home. I keep an old Mac mini as a server running 24/7 for that purpose. Very useful as GitHub has a lot of limitations in regard to private depots and storage, unless you pay them. Same with all the cloud storage solutions.

Githubs not that bad, i’m only paying a fiver or so a month for 5 private repos, but the 1gig limit is a bit of a killer, i can’t remember the last time I set about anything of substance that didnt shoot past a gb pretty quickly, even if the build was under 50mb or whatever. I suppose you could put your media on a repo and keep it under a gig but whoever’s submitting it would have to be pretty strict and pretty competent, no space for options really, need to submit textures at the smallest possible res, audio would be a total pain, your home repo is actually a really good idea, maybe if i ever get the funding for a new pc i’d use this one as a server, its always on but too busy doing things to act effectively to serve files to a group