Sharing Violation On Path

So I’ve redone my save/load script, but I am encountering a Sharing Violation On Path error.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;

public class SaveAndLoad
	public static BinaryFormatter binaryFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();

	public static void Save(string saveString, object obj, string saveName)
		string fileType = ".dat";
		string saveGameName = saveName + fileType;

		//Create directory if missing
			Debug.Log("Save directory missing, creating new save directory. 'saves/'");
			Debug.Log("Save directory exists.");

		//Check if file exists, if not, create file. If the directory does not exist, create one and try again.
		if(File.Exists("saves/" + saveGameName))
			Debug.Log("Save data exists.");
			File.Create("saves/" + saveGameName);
			Debug.Log("Save data missing, creating new empty save data.");

		//Save game data to file.
		FileStream fileStream = File.Open("saves/" + saveGameName, FileMode.Open);

		StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("saves/" + saveGameName);

		SaveData data = new SaveData();

		data.playerStatData.playerAttributes = data.playerStatData.playerAttributes;
		data.playerStatData.playerSkills = data.playerStatData.playerSkills;


		//binaryFormatter.Serialize(saveGameName, data.GetData());


	public static object Load(string saveString, object obj, string saveName)
		string saveGameName = saveName + ".txt";
		string temp = File.ReadAllText(saveGameName);

		if(temp == string.Empty)
			return null;
		MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream(System.Convert.FromBase64String(temp));
		return binaryFormatter.Deserialize(memStream);

	class SaveData 
		public RPGSystemPlayerStats playerStatData;

		public void GetData ()

I actually learned to do this from digging through the code in this asset so giving credit.!/content/20891

I learned a lot from this and its worth getting to dig through the code.

the simplified version of it to get you started is below where load_path and fileContens are all strings.

using(StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(load_path))
     fileContents = reader.ReadToEnd().ToString();

if you are having trouble getting the proper file path (like I did) use the file picker and debug.log to see your path.
load_path = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel

from there I could parse the string out. hope that helps.