Hi there,
I did a some research but wasn’t able to find a comprehensive guide so far about Keystores
Could you please provide some guidance?
These are a few points that are not so clear to me:
- I’m on hire, and my client has no Keystore. This is both my 1st publish on the Play Store, and the 1st publish of the client as well (he deployed several times on the store, but this is the first with the new organization name and the first with Unity).
So, I suppose I have to create one, with the given info.
I created a test one so far but I’m about to create THE keystore.
1a) What I don’t get is: in the future, do I need the same .keystore file to publish another project?
1b) Is the keystore a keychain for a single publisher, and can hold several project aliases/keys, or do I need to have a single .Keystore file for each project?
1c) Is the above totally up to me? What could be the possible drawbacks?
What about naming conventions? What are the best practices when choosing the Alias name? Could you please share some of your knowledge/experience about this? What could go wrong?
May I rename the keystore file name safely?
Is it better to have a single .keystore file for all project of the organization, or multiple keys, one for each project?
What happens if the client needs to use the keystore to publish a non-Unity project?
What happens if the client needs to update the project with the same bundleID and alias to a new non-Unity version?
In general, what are the best practices?
Thanks for your time