Sheath unsheath while running

Hello, i’m trying to make a sheath unsheath animations and i want it to also works when playing is walking/running i followed a tutorial but somehow it didn’t work for me here is the state machines and the scripts. all the animations work perfectly however when i try to sheath while standing still the animation doesn’t go all the way through this is because in the arms layer the state machine goes to “blend tree” node and in the combat layer it goes to “withdraw” node and then it goes to “blend tree” node (blend tree contains the basic movement aka idle and walk etc…)

this is the state machine in the arms layer (i’m using a layer mask to control only the right and left arm to be able to sheath unsheath while walking)

this is the combat layer which triggers when i try to sheath unsheath while standing still

this is the code that controls triggers to sheath and unsheath