
Project shelved.


This will be tricky to accomplish as a developer. Personally as a gamer I stay away from online multiplayer games - cause - I don’t have time and they really don’t appeal to me. I’d enjoy a real nice, in-dpeth solo experience however I believe I am a minority gamer with this view.
As a developer I believe having the game be set up for solo as well as mmo is risky and probably time consuming to create and deliver, so personally if this was my project I would probably choose either one or the other, the most desired route for players and also your own personal desire as the developer to create either/or a solo experience or multiplayer.

That said - I know there are those who only play FOR multiplayer experiences so if developing a solo experience you are limiting your audience, same with only creating a multiplayer experience, some, like me will not play unless the solo experience is as rewarding and meaningful as the multiplayer track in the game. Tough decision, thanks for sharing your thoughts about it.


Thats a big challenge with this kind of game, turn based mmorpgs that I think do this mixing well are Atlantica Online and Wakfu and they use the turn based system with combat and the mmorpg part for everything else (exploring, questing,…)

My recommendation is for you to study other games that have similar mechanics, implementing an mmo world is a big feature that might not fit. Also have you consider making it instance based, like any multiplayer FPS where someone creates a room, people join and play a mission as a party?

From an art direction point of view, this is really looking lovely so far! looking forward to seeing more of it.

Lovely art work.